Does Beauty Expert deliver internationally?
Beauty Expert delivers internationally. To make sure that Beauty Expert delivers to the customer's shipping address, check on their website.
Why am I having problems accessing the checkout?
If customers are having problems accessing the checkout or any part of Beauty Expert website, then please get in contact with their Customer Service team straight away via the 'Still need help?' section.
How do I earn Beauty Expert Referral Credits?
Earn some Beauty Expert referral credits when referring a friend. Contact Beauty Expert to find out more information.
How can I pay for my order?
Beauty Expert accepts the following payment methods. Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, PayPal, and UnionPay.
There is an item missing from my order. What should I do?
Beauty Expert sometimes ships orders separately to avoid any delays. If customers have not ordered multiple items/products, then please contact their customer services team for help.
What is the status of my order?
βYour Accountβ keeps track of all orders placed with Beauty Expert by the customer. In their account section, customers can select the order, and details will be displayed about the status of the order.
How will I know when my order has been dispatched?
Beauty Expert will send an email to the customer notifying them of the order being dispatched for delivery.
Can I place an order over the phone?
Beauty Expert will always be on the other side of the phone to help and guide their customers. However, unfortunately, they do not accept phone orders.
Can I make changes to my basket?
By clicking on the 'My Basket' icon at the top, customers can see the items in their basket so far. You can use the + button to stock up on their favourite items or the β button to remove excess items. The X button will remove the item completely.
Are you shipping from outside the UK now?
The majority of orders will be fulfilled from within the EU, but some products will be sent from the UK.
How do I receive a promo code?
To obtain a promo code before buying a product from Beauty Expert, customers should visit Love Coupons, and receive it. The promo code can then be redeemed when making a purchase.
How do I redeem my Beauty Expert promo code?
You can find a list of promo codes by clicking on the 'Get Coupon' button. The brand's web page will then open in a new tab once you see a code appear on your screen.